Sunday, January 19, 2014

Things I Loved About Last Week

Last week was a great week.

1. I got in another tech PD day. Honestly, I am overflowing with new tech knowledge. I have learned so many new apps, it is almost crazy. Really, I have just been introduced to them and now I need to figure out how to use them well in the classroom. All this hand holding has made me more brave about searching out good apps and learning on my own too. When I think about how I felt about and used the ipad a year ago to how I do today, I am quite amazed.

2. They say if you get kids to blog their writing is better because they have a real  audience. I decided to video my kids doing their structure presentations this week. We are going to attach a QR code to the videos and parents can watch them at learning conferences. What a difference this has made. My kids have not only done an amazing job of reading their reports, but they have been an amazing audience! No one wants to get caught on video fooling around during someone's presentation. QR codes: a great classroom discipline tool! Who knew?!

3. The Alberta Opera came to our school and performed Alladin. It was really amazing. I am always amazed at how absorbed kids get in a good performance like that. There is no need to go tap a kid on the shoulder or pull them out for misbehaviour. Everyone is too enthralled with the story to bother misbehaving.

4. My gr. 3 teacher pal got more good news on her husband's work visa  with an interview with some immigration dude getting set up. Things continue to progress!

5. I marked structure reports the day I got them! Marking can be the biggest challenge for me. I was particularly happy with myself for doing those right away because there were a couple kids who had some more work to do. If I had let them sit for a few days it wouldn't have been good.

6. 13 of my math students did their homework on Edmodo! The more kids who do homework on Edmodo! the less I have to mark. Yea!! (Strategic marking avoidance, some call it! I wonder how that fits on the SAMR ladder) 

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