Monday, January 13, 2014

Alberta Opera: Alladin

When I first heard Alberta Opera was coming to our school I wasn't excited. I like all sorts of music. Opera is one type of music I have ever liked at all, so I was a little leery. However, year after year, our music teacher keeps bringing them in, and I continue to be impressed with their shows.

Today's show was Alladin.

My kids are surprised that the story was not very much like the movie at all - which really built on previous discussions we have had about this. I love seeing different versions of stories, and if think they are seeing the value in it too.

The actors were amazing. Three of them did the entire show.

I loved how this student was able to draw the head covering that Alladin's mother wore. Well done!

This show had a great lesson. The children learned a song in music class. It had a marvellous message:

Desire is a very complicated thing. You need to be careful about what you wish for. The play talked about how what you need is often very different from what you want, and that perhaps sometimes we need to re-think the things we think we want.

All in all, a marvellous afternoon!! We ended up re-scheduling everything else we had in the afternoon to talk about the play, laugh about the funny parts, and record all we could in our journals. It was time well spent!

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