Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Team Building

Our school has spent a lot of time and money learning how to use Kagan. I have never really been a pro at it and so I set a goal this year to do more of it.

One thing I plan to do more of is team building. Today we did a Kagan activity called My Life in Film.

They had to write or draw something about their family, about their favorite subject, and what they like to do after school and on weekends. The trick was one of them had to be a "fib".

We did "Stand up,  Hands up, Pair up" to share and guess which were the fibs. It was a big hit. It was a fun way to get to know each other a little better.

The funny thing was they all thought the antennae on the TV were legs for the TV. It only came up because someone asked, "Why would a TV have legs, anyway?" (Many TVs hang on the wall or sit on a stand in their world).

Oh how things have changed!

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