Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today, after school, a student who was in my class year stopped by my classroom. He came to me to ask if I had read the new book in The False Prince series yet. I haven't, but if have it I hold at the library! He said, "Oh rats! I wanted to out it on hold before you!" 

We chatted for a minute about when we read The False Prince last year, about the second book which we had both read in our own, and what we thought would be in the next book, and then off he went.

It wasn't really a long conversation, but it warmed my heart. He and I have a connection from a few things, not the least of which are the books we have read together.

I am so glad I get to spend my days making connections with kids like him!

....I was going to buy a paperback copy of the book later, but I a thinking I ought to go get one right now in hard cover and let it make it's rounds in grade four!

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